Just Something to Think About: It's Okay to Be Bored

It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything for this blog.

Admittedly, I’ve been busy with other things, such as being promoted at my day-job and working on some film photography, but I’ve also been feeling uninspired and downright bored.

And that’s okay.

When I was in college, my photography professor told our class that we all need to be bored sometimes, because that’s when our best ideas come out of us. I have since learned that boredom and frustration are what drive me to be creative. If I were never bored, I would never work on anything.

In today’s world, with all its technology and gadgets and gizmos, we’re always looking for something with which to fill our time, and never give ourselves time to sit, think, and enjoy the space we’re in. We sit and mindlessly scroll through Facebook and Instagram, click through stories on Snapchat, play games on our phones, etc., instead of just letting ourselves be bored for a few minutes.

Sometimes, we need to be bored. Being bored often leads us to finding creative solutions for our boredom and for other problems in our lives. Daydreaming is frowned upon in modern society, but, if not for daydreaming, we wouldn’t have any of the technology we use to keep our boredom at bay, would we?

Just something to think about.